Everyday we face challenges to support large amount of spatial data display on the fly on any web mapping applications. To achieve and support for large number of map request we used to perform various steps towards data design, application design and architecture design.
But there are few capabilities which ESRI provides to support display of large number of spatial data on any web mapping application. They have introduced MSD map document formart, which is lighter than the old and traditional MXD form
Map Service Publishing toolbar in ArcMap tune map documents for optimal performance. ESRI always recommends saving the map document (.mxd file) as an .msd file. A map service definition is a configuration file for an optimized map service, which yields significant performance gains over map services based on standard map documents. They are the
recommended format for the publication of dynamic maps in ArcGIS Server.
The comparison test results between the three map services show that overall, the
optimized map service (MSD_SDE) performed slightly better than the ArcIMS map
service (IMS_SDE) and significantly better than the standard map service (MXD_SDE).
Figure 4 shows the average response times18 for map requests at the point where the
server was working at its maximum throughput:
1 Optimized map service—56,520 maps/per hour; average response time: 0.69 seconds
2 ArcIMS map service—55,440 maps/per hour; average response time: 0.83 seconds
3 Standard map service—18,468 maps/per hour; average response time: 2.21 seconds
Clearly, the optimized map service outperformed the standard map service.
Note :- Source of this data from ESRI documents or ESRI White Paper.